Monday, January 31, 2011

Walls of Faith ~ Going Up!

Blessed be the name of the Lord! We are ever so thrilled to see WALLS going up. The exterior walls of the upper level office space are done. Today, workers will continue building the walls of the training hall and our future residence. Pray that construction will not have to be halted due to lack of funds. Projected Completion Date: May 1, 2011  We'll let these pictures tell the stories!

Side wall of CEF Office with Large Window Provision

Front View of Upper Office and Lower Dorm Rooms

A Look from the Corner across the Street

Side View of Office Area / Main Door Entrance

Basement Level - Dorm Rooms and Sitting Room
with Kitchen Area

Side View of Office Area and Training Hall Area
in the far right of picture

Windows and Doors ~ How Exciting!

Another Milestone: All FLOORS are Poured!

With tears in our eyes and lumps in our throats, we stood under an umbrella watching the FIFTH and FINAL cement truck pull up. The wheelbarrow brigade began again. After SIX hours of hard work, the men celebrated the COMPLETED CEMENT FLOOR of the training hall. The flooring for the entire building is now done!  Praise ye the Lord!

Smoothing the Cement of the Veranda (Porch)

Wheel Barrow Brigade nearing the End

Completed Cement Floor : Training Hall

Sunday, January 16, 2011

So Build We the Walls! PTL!

Despite a cyclone out to sea and torrential rain, our crew of dedicated men insisted on pouring the floor for the director's apartment on Thursday this past week. They worked SO hard under very difficult circumstances.

On Friday, January 14th, the master block layer, along with his crew, placed cement blocks for the wall between the office and the training hall. Another crew began preparing the groundwork for the flooring of the last part of the training hall.  This is SO exciting!

Pouring Cement in the Pouring Rain...
Such Determination!

Determined to Finish the Apartment Floor
despite the Torrential Downpour

And it is DONE!

Wall in Front Will be Between the Apartment
and the Training Hall
Wall towards the back is the Wall Between
the Training Hall and the Office

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Going Up!

The fifth of January 5th was so exciting! Twelve cement trucks came pouring tons of cement for the upper floor of the new CEF office and front portion of the training hall. We rejoice with hearts full of thanksgiving!

The construction crew had initially planned to pour the cement flooring the next day for the Director's apartment at the back of the new building.  However, God had other plans. He sent five days of continual heavy rains.  Today, January 11th, the plumbing and steel rods for the apartment floor were put into place.  If it does not rain, the pouring of the cement will be next and possibly as early as tomorrow afternoon!
Pouring of Cement...Upper Floor

First Cement Truck Arrives
for Pouring the Upper Floor

The Finished Upper Floor of CEF's Office
and front portion of Training Hall

Becky Takes the First Step
Onto the Upper Story Floor

A Giant Step for Kent
and What a Thrill ~ Faith becomes Sight!

The Upper Level of Our Future Office ~
Blockwork Will Begin Soon!

The Lower Floor with its New Ceiling