Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Make His Praise Glorious - 8 Receive Christ!

What a great day it was today when eight precious boys and girls came to know Christ as their personal Saviour this afternoon after Good News Club. Siki was privileged to lead them to the Lord after his Bible lesson. In this video clip, the children are reciting their memory verse, Psalm 66:2 which says "make His praise glorious". Amen to that!

Tool Time Kent

"Tool Time Kent" visited the CEF Teacher Training Class on Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, ready for construction to begin on our new office! However, the only thing which halted the beginning of construction was the lack of funds!

He was there to enlist recruits (teachers) who would take up the challenge of doing some fund-raising for the Moriah Project. With laughter and fun, several of the teachers responded enthusiastically to take up the challenge!

Pray that the Lord will raise a host of folks who will PARTNER with us to get this building built for the Lord! What a great day that will be!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Good News Bure (Until We Get Our New Office)

Out behind the CEF office, due to lack of space inside, the CEF men and several volunteers built a "temporary"
Good News Bure to be used as a venue for teacher training classes and a CEF Good News Club! A "bure" is the Fijian word for "house". On the first week of classes (Sept 9,'08), there were 17 adults who came to attend the CEF teacher training classes. Later that afternoon, there were more than 50 children to attend the Good News Club from the primary school across the street from the CEF office!

How we praise the Lord for providing CEF Fiji with this temporary building until there are sufficient funds on hand to build the new office! Keep praying and trusting the Lord with us, will you?

Giving to the Moriah Project

Should God impress you to give toward CEF Fiji's MORIAH Project, you may direct your gifts in the following ways:

Within the USA,
Child Evangelism Fellowship
PO Box 348
Warrenton MO 63383-0348
Designate for Acct # AFJ0 270
You may give online by
clicking here. Be sure to include "CEF Fiji MORIAH Project" and the Account Number in the comment section of the web page.

Within FIJI
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Fiji
PO Box 1676
Lautoka, FIJI
Deposit to ANZ Acct # 07981279
Please write your name on the Narration Line of the Bank Deposit Slip

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Architectural Plan

The design for the new office is so exciting for us! It has been designed so that it can be built in "stages" as God provides the funding, although we would like to see it built all at one time. It will contain office space, a training center to seat up to 100 people and then an apartment at the back for the CEF director and family.

The existing building (pictured below) will eventually be demolished as it is substandard needing extensive electrical and plumbing work.

PRAY for God to "do wonders" and to miraculously provide the money needed for this project!

Mini-Extreme Makeover - Fiji Style!

The staff of CEF Fiji spent most of Dec '07 painting and doing a significant "face lift" both on the interior and exterior portions of the house. We have a beautiful office now located in a prime location that only God could have given! We're on the "main road" going through Lautoka and situated on a beautiful, spacious corner lot. How gracious of the Lord! We're grateful to the Lord for this property knowing that we are simply the caretakers of that which really belongs to Him!

God Gives the Property!

December 3, 2007 marked a grand day when payment was made in full for the new property of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Fiji. It was such a joy to celebrate God's faithfulness in providing the funds necessary to purchase the property and the existing house to be used temporarily as the CEF office in Fiji. It was a day of liberation when the national office moved out from the home of CEF missionaries, Kent & Becky Bryant, after 11 years. How we praise the Lord for financial gifts which were given from within Fiji and overseas to make this possible!