Sunday, February 14, 2010

Construction Under Way!

Good progress has been made in the past two weeks.  Huge amounts of earth have been moved around and dug up around the CEF property.  We would have never imagined that so much would have gone into the construction of our boundary fence which is going to be beautiful!

Workers discovered that the soil was extremely wet which then led to the discovery of a broken water pipe which had to be repaired.  The foundations have been dug and the concrete was poured in on Friday, Feb 12th.  Block layers were able to begin their work on Saturday, Feb. 13th and put in at least 250 blocks.

On Monday of this week, the workers will again be pouring the foundation for the retaining wall / fence along the road side of the property.  It measures 64 meters (210 feet) in length!  It's thrilling to see this progress being made.  In that the CEF property is on the main thoroughfare leading into our city, everyone who's passed by has noticed the piles of blocks, the mound of dirt and busy construction workers.  We were told today in church that "so many people are talking about what's happening at the CEF office".  That's great news for us!  Workers are aiming to complete the boundary fence by the first of April.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Ground-Breaking News!

What a joy it was to finally break ground for the Moriah Project!  On January 31, 2010, we were able to have a Sunday afternoon ground-breaking service for the new boundary fence at the national office of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Fiji.  Pictured here with Kent is the contractor and architect of the project.

This was a long-awaited day.  The Moriah Project began in June 2005 and God has surely brought us a long way.  How we praise Him for His provision of the property and now for the funds which allows us to begin the construction of the boundary fence.

Pray for God's continued blessing and provision of the funds to build the new office and training hall.  Also, pray for God's protection over those who will be working on the construction site.  To God be the glory, Great things He hath done!